Heart, Humanity, Tits & Wit

Let me open by telling you I'm not a podcaster. I get asked tons of questions about my life and the sex industry in person and on social media.
Back in 2015, I decided it would be fun to answer a list of questions by audio rather than dealing with them in captions (which were limited at the time). I put it out into the world! "Ask and I'll Tell"
Which then turned into a discussion about sound (the quality isn't great...which is embarrassing because I studied sound), then an offer came through from a follower to record my next "podcast" in an actual studio. Boom shakalaka.
Around that time I met a chick on IG. I invited her to be my first guest. We let the hooch and proverbial tape roll.
* I don't know if or when I'll record more.

Awkard Sex & Cheetos
Three conversations about one thing: SEX!
I asked three close friends to share a story with me.
The question: Tell me about a time you had sex when you weren't in the mood. Or not that into it.
Enjoy my chats with Erin, Farah, and Rob Z.
Cum Spittoon

A fun and ridiculous conversation about sex (what else) with my second time guest, Tanya, whom I met on Instagram back in 2015.
This fourth episode contains lot of talk about cum, sex clubs, baby birding and blowjobs.
Huge thanks to my lovely guest and my producer, Rocker Meadows. As well as the music by James Hazley and Rocker Meadows, known as Canaar.

My first guest! (2015)
Tanya is a sex positive force to be reckoned with. She started following my Instagram account and we struck up a conversation. For a woman I had just met, it sounds like we're old friends!
Her website: takebackyoursex.com
I got her in the studio, opened a bottle of white wine for her, a bottle of whiskey for me, and hit "record". Over three hours of everything from dick pics, squirting, beastiality, panty selling, censorship and the country's general mindset when it comes to sex and nipples.
Special thanks to Tanya and my producer, Rocker Meadows
A dick is supposed to go in there? Part 1

A dick is supposed to go in there? Part 2
Our sit-down was so long, my producer Rocker split it up in two.
Here's the second part!

Meth, Moms & Prostitution
The title pretty much sums this podcast up: Crazy parents. Judgments about drinking. Being true to yourself. And a classic Sita tale about a late-night rendezvous.
Produced by Rocker Meadows.